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Hymenoplasty In Jabalpur

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Hymenoplasty In Jabalpur

Hymenoplasty is performed primarily for cultural and religious reasons. Through hymenoplasty, the “loss of virginity” is restored by rebuilding the hymen. The hymen layer the thin, pinkish membrane covering the vaginal entrance, is restored by the hymenoplasty surgery.

The hymen lies approximately half an inch inside the vagina and is a part of the vulva.  It is usually the first sexual experience that might rupture the hymen. Strenuous activities such as riding a bicycle, swimming, and gymnastics can also cause hymen tears at any age. In some cases, it is even possible for some people to be born without a hymen.

Hymenoplasty Treatment

Hymenoplasty is performed by a gynecologist under local or general anesthesia.

Hymen Stitching: A basic technique of hymenoplasty surgery is to sew up the broken hymens or sew up the remaining hymens. Sutures generally dissolve after a few days. Therefore, it is not necessary for the patient to return to the clinic for the sutures to be removed. Anaesthesia may be administered to reduce discomfort or pain during the procedure.

Hymen Reconstruction: It is still possible to perform a hymenoplasty surgery if there is insufficient tissue to stitch the hymen together. The hymen will be reconstructed with live tissue harvested from your body. 

Alloplant technique: If the body lacks tissues that can be used to reconstruct hymens, artificial methods can be employed. Alloplants are biomaterials that have been chemically processed. 


  • Swelling or inflammation near the area
  • The stitches may cause itchiness
  • Allergic reactions may occur from anesthesia
  • Blood clots may form in the area
  • One may experience numbness in the region
  • You may notice discoloration of the hymen
  • Infections may set in around the area
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