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Breast Augmentation

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Breast augmentation, (sometimes referred as “boob job” ) involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of your breasts.

It restores the lost breast volume after weight reduction or pregnancy and helps achieve a more desired rounded breast shape.

An Ideal candidate :

-Breast augmentation is a deeply personal procedure, and most often done for cosmetic reasons.

– A physically healthy woman not pregnant or breastfeeding

– Female with realistic expectations.

– Female having fully developed breast but are small.

-One or both breasts failed to develop normally .

Procedure :

 Anesthesia :

  • The operation is performed under a general anaesthesia.


  • Below breast, at the breast fold and hence non visible.

 Pocket creation :

  • A space is created for implant placement.
  • Inserting and placing the breast implant:
  • Breast implant is placed into a pocket
  • The incision is closed in layers with sutures.
  •  The stitches are usually removed around 10th day.

Postoperative recovery:

  • Normal activities resumes in a day and return to work 2-3 days .
  • Heavy lifting is best avoided during this time .

Procedure safety :

✅ Surgeon performs surgery under general anesthesia .

✅ It should always be performed by Board certified Plastic Surgeon.

Expected Results:

– It will restore a natural feminine appearance .

-Result is permanent

– It’s a day care a surgery , no hospital stay required .

 -A sports bra is mandatory to be worn 24/7 for a period of 3 months .

 -Plenty of oral fluid and high protein diet to facilitate healing.

 -With a firmer, better-shaped chest, the patient feels more confident with vastly increased self-esteem.



  • Increase fullness and projection of your breast
  • Improve balance of breast
  • Enhances self image and self confidence
  • Helps achieve hourglass figure
  • Helps in achieving symmetrical breasts in pts with uneven breast size.
  •  Most people can return to work within a week .
  • Results are immediate
  •  The results are permanent.
  • The scar is hidden

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation involves the use of silicone breast implants or your own fat to enhance the size of your breasts. This procedure can enhance under-developed breasts as well as restore breast volume following weight loss or pregnancy.
You will be advised a set of routine pre-operative investigations to ensure that you are fit for anaesthesia and surgery. A mammogram is also advisable prior to surgery to rule out any existing lumps or lesions in the breast. If you have a personal or family history of breast cancer, then a detailed baseline mammogram is mandatory to ensure absence of any existing lesion.

Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

You may be a good candidate for breast augmentation if:
  • You feel that your breasts are naturally small and poorly developed and you want larger breasts
  • Weight loss has changed the shape and size of your breasts
  • Your breasts have become smaller and lost firmness after pregnancy
  • One of your breasts is noticeably smaller than the other Breast augmentation cannot completely correct severely droopy breasts. In such cases, you may require a combination of breast augmentation and breast lift / tightening surgery if you want larger and firmer breasts. While seeking Breast surgery, it is very important to inform your qualified Aesthetic surgeon surgeon if you or anyone in your family has had any prior history of breast cancer.

Brief information about breast implants

All breast implants are made of an outer silicone shell. They may be of various types based on:
  1. The substance filling the implant
    • Saline: silicon shell filled with saline to achieve the desired volume.
    • Silicone: filled with medical grade silicone gel which feels very natural. (Present generation implants are filled with highly cohesive silicone gel which are extremely resistant to rupture and there is no leakage of the silicon gel).
  2. The shape of implant
    • Round: these are by far the most commonly used implants
    • Anatomical (tear shaped): these mimic the natural breast contour
  3.  The surface of implant
    • Smooth: the outer silicone shell is smooth.
    • Textured: The outer silicone shell is roughened and grainy. “Micro” or “Nano”-textured implants are now available.
    • Poly-urethane coated: shell coated with poly-urethane foam.

Choosing the correct implant size

Breast implants are available in various sizes; from 100cc to 1000cc (and even more but on demand). Choosing the correct size is no longer an arbitrary process, but a detailed and scientific one.
It could depend on “what size do you want to enlarge your breasts to?” For example, if you are presently a B cup and want to go to a C cup, then a 175-200cc implant would be adequate.
What implant is suitable and safe for you also depends on what your body can tolerate or accommodate. This is based on your individual tissue factors such as your chest width, existing volume of your breast tissue, amount of skin laxity, nipple position etc. Based on all these factors, a qualified Aesthetic surgeon is able to discuss your concerns and priorities with you and arrive at a mutual decision about the ideal breast implant size for you.

What are the important things to do before breast augmentation surgery?

The most important thing about planning your breast augmentation surgery is to choose the correct qualified Aesthetic plastic surgeon. More specifically, ensure that the chosen surgeon is routinely performing breast augmentation surgeries.
You must STOP the following medications approximately 2 weeks before surgery – blood thinners such as ecosprin, clopidogrel, warfarin etc, estrogen containing hormones, Vitamin E, ginseng, green tea, gingko balboa, garlic pearls, ayurvedic supplements. It is imperative that you completely stop smoking for a minimum of 1 week prior to your planned date of surgery as it can significantly increase your risk for anaesthesia as well as delay wound healing and increase your risk for post-surgery complications.
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